When you sign up with RR Size Me you are given a personal sizing link.  Your personal link will follow the format - https://www.rrsize.me/sizing-form/?stylist=YOURUSERNAME 

You can find your personal link in your back office by doing the following:

  1. Click on the Stylist menu
  2. Click Account
  3. If you are not yet logged in you will be prompted to log in
  4. Your personal sizing link will be on the main page of your account dashboard, clicking on the "Copy Link" button will copy that link to your clipboard :)

This is the link you should share with any customer that you want to get sized.  Wherever you might have used a Google Form or Jot Form link before just plug this link in instead!  I use my sizing link to share with prospective customers rather than my Ruby Ribbon store link so that I'm never worried about them getting to the store without knowing their right sizes!

If you are sharing the sizing link in conjunction with a party - make sure you get the party specific sizing link!